#4: The most awkward moment

148704_897552363605978_8385418186724250030_nWe all experience some very awkward cases in our life, even me off course. Well in my situation the most awkward thing that happened to me was when I and my co-aspirants went to Mt. Agad-Agad. It was a sunny day at that time; it was about 8:34 that time when we went there. As we climb through the forest to get to the mountain top suddenly it rain very hard and the ground was so slippery, to be able to pass through a cliff we have to be very careful. This is the most awkward part, when we were almost there at the mountain top, I accidentally slip and stumbled down towards my buddy. That was the most awkward moment because my buddy is a female and I almost kiss here on the lips, it was a very awkward moment and also very embarrassing.  Even though it was very adventurous but still it was the most awkward and embarrassing thing that ever happened to me.

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